We’re Bringing Back the Home Help With Our Home Help Services!

In addition to cleaning, some of our local offices also offer Home Help Services.

These services are very much like the old style home help. They help you to stay independent in your own home. We can provide a wide range of services to help you with that little extra support around the home. Whether you need help daily, weekly or fortnightly we have members of our team ready to assist.

What we can offer:

  • In all our offices we can arrange domestic cleaning
  • In most offices we also offer ironing

In offices who operate our Home Help Service we can also offer help with:

  • Shopping
  • Laundry
  • Housekeeping
  • Bed making/changing
  • Escorting to appointments and social activities
  • Companionship
  • A friend to talk to and check everything is ok
  • Other tasks around the home

Please note that we are not a home care service. We cannot offer personal care (e.g. washing and dressing). Find out what we can do to help you by contacting your local Diamond Home Support office.

Find out more about our local cleaning services and our gardening services.

How Much Do Home Help Services Cost?

This will vary depending on what services you need and how often you need them. It will also vary depending on where you are located, as rates vary across the country. Speak with your nearest Diamond Home Support local office and ask them to give you a quote.

Why You Might Need Our Services

We deliver home help services to a range of people in many different circumstances. We don’t offer personal care, but we will often deliver our services alongside other service providers who do deliver care. For example, we might take care of the cleaning, laundry and shopping, whilst another provider delivers the personal care.

The vast majority of times we’re delivering services to people who do not currently need personal care. It might be that due to age or a health condition you can’t do all of the things you used to be able to do. That’s where our services can step in.

Sometimes we are called upon to help people who are convalescing after an operation or a serious illness. It might be that you’re just not able to do the domestic tasks you used to be able to. It might be that you only need that extra help for a short while. These are all good reasons to get in touch with us to see how we can help.

Home Help Services

The Benefits of Staying Independent in Your Own Home

There are lots of benefits of staying independent in your own home. The greatest benefit of course is that it reduces anxiety and stress. Being in the comfort of your own surroundings is always going to be the best choice for you as long as it remains safe. Using home help services helps to keep you safe and supported at home.

Being amongst your own belongings, living your life independently, being in control of your own schedule, and being able to receive visitors, such as family and friends, has to be something we all want to keep for as long as possible.

At home you can receive help that is tailored directly to your needs. With our cleaning and home help services you can increase your package whenever you need to.

What Are Home Help Services?

Our home help services are: cleaning, ironing. shopping, laundry, bed making and changing, escorting to appointments and activities, companionship, popping in to check everything is ok, and other help at home.

All of our local offices offer cleaning, most can offer ironing, some offer gardening, and many provide home help.

Contact us via your nearest local office to see what we can do for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Home Help Service

Who can benefit from home help services?

Pretty much anyone can benefit from our home help services. You don’t necessarily have to have a specific need. Most commonly however it will be elderly people, people living with a condition, and sometimes younger people.

Can you deliver personal care?

Personal care is the term for certain regulated activities which can only be delivered by those registered by the Care Quality Commission (or equivalent in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). These include: washing, dressing, toileting, feeding, medicating etc … Domiciliary care agencies will deliver these services, but we often work alongside these agencies delivering our services.

Who are home help services delivered by?

Our home helpers will normally be people with care-related experience. They will have been fully vetted and have a valid police check (DBS). You will get visits by the same person every time so that they get to know you and your requirements. We know this brings peace of mind and is an important aspect of our service.